
Joanne Peterson
- 8(a) Certification case preparation (awarded)
- Prepared or supervised fourteen national, state and local certification cases (all awarded)
- Coached several businesses through Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut and DC Certifications
- Education:
PMI, Project Management Professional Training
Certificate, WBENC Certification Committee Training (2004 & 2007)
Certificate, Tuck School of Business Executive Management Training (2003)
BA, Economics & Management, Chatham University (1986)
AAS, Mass Communications, Grahm Junior College (1973)

Marian Neilson
- Researched and documented 288 certification/recertification application processes
- Prepared help documentation for
- Supports Abator annual updates and triennial recertifications as needed
- Education:
BA, English & History, Chatham University (2003)